Don Ryan

Speaker. Author.

Don Ryan’s personal experience with suicide began his senior year in college when his father took his own life. Since that terrible evening in 1989, Don has lost two more immediate family members – his cousin Vinny in 2013 and his youngest brother Brendan in 2022 – both to suicide. These painful and  defining losses, combined with thirty years of experience as a clinical social worker, and in county government welfare positions, have given Don deep, profound insight into the impact of suicide. In his book, The Secret Struggle, and through his speaking engagements, Don shares his unique and powerful story.

The Facts


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 700,000 people worldwide die by suicide annually. In the United States alone, an average of 132 people die by suicide daily.

A Leading Cause

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in age groups 10-14 and 20-34 years old.

At Risk

Veterans are at a higher risk to die by suicide. There are an average of 23 suicides per day among United States Veterans.

The bottom line

With data showing incidence of suicide being higher than any other time in recorded history, this is a public health crisis.

"Talking openly about suicide remains difficult for so many clinicians and laypeople alike, which is a disservice as we try to reduce rates of suicide. Don Ryan has tackled a very challenging subject in an informative and compassionate way, which is sure to help those who have lost a loved one to suicide, as well as those who work on the frontlines with those who are at risk for suicide."
- Mark Meier, MSW, LICSW, Executive Director and Co-Founder of The Face It Foundation